- Together you take a global look at the 21 candidates. You don't have to discuss
together. You only examine the world wonders.
- After that, each of you write
your seven favorites on a separate sheet
(download here).
- When you both are ready with your own list, then compare the two lists.
Download a
new overview (here to download).
Now a new list have be composed. You may use the following indications:
- Are there constructions on both lists? If that is the case, write them
down on the new
sheet. Apparently you both find them the best.
How many buildings do you have on the new list? Probably not exactly seven. That would be
a too great coincidence.
- Are there not enough buildings on the list? Than you have to add some
more. Take your own list en discuss which place should be on the definite
- Are there too many? Than you have to discuss which place(s) has to be
removed from the favorite list.
Now you can make a presentation of your seven favorites. You can choose to
- Seven posters
For each building you make a separate poster.
Each poster has at least 2 images of the construction. Don't use images
that are too similar.
And of course you have to add information concerning each building.
Also write down why you have chosen this places.
- A computer presentation
You do the same as at the posters. Show the information of each place and
show several images.
Write or tell of each construction why you have chosen it.
- You probably want to know where your teacher will pay attention to.
Before you make your posters or computer presentation, take a look at "evaluation",
then you get an idea of the criteria your teacher will use to judge your
You organize in the class an election after you have held the presentation.
- Each student and teacher gets a voting list.
- Everyone must bring out three votes. No more and no less! Each vote
counts equally.
- After the voting you pick up all the voting notes.
- On the black board you write the names of the seven buildings from which
they can choose.
- Count all the votes. You tally the votes on the black board.
- Which building is the most favorite in your class?
- As an extra component of this webquest you can discuss the outcome of
the voting.
You want to vote? Read the next part first.
- You can vote yourself by clicking on the banner below.
- You will be redirected to the website of the new7wonders
- Give your mail address and give 7 votes.
- You will receive an email how to confirm your vote. If you don't confirm
it, your votes won't count.
- If you confirm the mail, then you are really logged in at the website of the "new7wonders".
- Give your name, sex and year of birth.
- Where there is asked for "N7W Champion Code / School Champion Code",
you have to add the number 777245. With this number you support this
WebQuest too.

- If you think that you can rebuild your favorite world wonder, then go
Here are some examples:

Information of the nominated world wonders is to be find at the page " resources".
